There are many ways to record the earth´s surface:
- Aerial photography
- Remote sensing
- Barometers
- Microdrones
- Tachymeter
If you have any height data that could be licensed under the Open Database License, please provide the dataset, so it can be used by the public.
Do not provide any data protected by copyright laws!
There are many other ways to support the project, so please visit the Roadmap section.
Why Open Data is important
The extension and dissemination of human knowledge is one of the most important factors for a sustainable society. In most decisions that affect society, spatial aspects are an important factor. Therefore, it is obvious that geoinformation must be freely accessible, without restrictions, for the user to arrive at sustainable and factually based decisions.
Collective collection of data and knowledge outside the classical hierarchical structures via the Internet is a relatively new phenomenon, often called 'commons-based peer production' or just 'peer production'. It is more than 'just' software or data. If you want to know more about this kind of production and how it could change our society, the Wikipedia article 'Commons-based peer production' is a good starting point.