The European Union launched their OpenDataPortal
Some Elevation datasets could be found here.
Free 1 meter DSM & DTM of slovenia available
Thanks Jaka for the link! You find the data here.
Under the "Links" topic is now a own section for free DEM data available.
OpenDEM at the FOSSGIS 2015
There will be a Lightning Talk at the FOSSGIS Conference (12.3.2015) about the buildup of a free height database from barometric smartphone data.
Peter Barth will have an presentation about Crowed Sourced Elevation. The approach is also based on barometric smat phone data. The technique is not relying on static reference data, but on complex data processing and correction.
Thus the conference is already a success bringing ideas for crowed sourced elevation data together. Hoping for an fruitful discussion and cooperation in 2015.
Update: Unfortunally I could not get to the conference. Here you find the presentation slides (german only). The presentation of Peter is here online.
SRTM Version 1-arc second Update
The SRTM 1-arc second dataset with a resolution of 1 arc second is now almost global available except for the middle east region. Have a look at the coverage map.