DTM and DSM are provided with 1 m resolution by the Abteilung Geoinformation under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Several data links for the high-resolution DEMs in Austria were updated.
Thanks for the advice Marcel!
A DTM is provided with 20 m resolution by the National Development Council.
Choose "View" from the top menu and activate the "Marine Profile (1:920.000)".
The vector data blended with OpenStreetMap was prepared for a WebMapTileServices in cooperation with the OpenSeaMap project. Further thanks to Kommunikationsnetz Franken e.V. (KNF) for the support.
There is also a map view available here on this website with FeatureInfo functionality.
Be aware that processing lines and contours with gdal_contours do not always come to the same results.
DTM and DSM are provided with 1 m resolution by the Hessische Verwaltung für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation.
Download the datasets here.