Download data

The data are available under the Open Database Licence except the data of the DWD.dwd

The data are stored in a zipped .csv file. For more information see here.

Download Comment
metadata Metadata of the tracks. Contains copyrighted DWD data in the columns "weatherapistation","weatherapilat" and "weatherapilon".
first 10 minutes of every track First 10 recorded minutes of every track. The influence of the weather conditions should be acceptable in this timeframe. Anyway, no correction of the GPS data is done yet.
tracks Experimental mode. Makes sense only for post-processing or in Germany. Contains copyrighted DWD data in the column "pressureapi".

The data are updated every day at 0:00 Central European (Summer) Time.

Be aware that the quality of the data decreases with tracking time. For more information see here.

Header Example Description
date Sun Nov 22 14:47:38 MEZ 2015 Timestamp
sensor BMP180 Pressure sensor Sensor Model
mobileModel Galaxy Nexus Mobile Model
mobileProduct yakju Mobile Android Version
weatherApiStation * EDDK Weather Station of the DWD
weatherApiLat * 50.87953258305788 in decimal degrees
weatherApiLon * 7.121004089713097 in decimal degrees
weatherApiDistance * 3058.53 in metres
enteredHeight 50.0 in metres
heightInputType manual manual, service (SRTM) or GPS
uuid 1e9b38fe-5ac4-4f8f-aac3-f8e44a7a0927 uuid of the track.
corstate dwd* different states of correction will follow, including post processing
Table 1: Metadata table

* Makes sense only in Germany, see the station description. Copyrighted data by DWD.


Header Example Description
id 1 serial
time 11:23:47 hh:mm:ss
lat 50.95803040545434 Latitude in decimals
lon 7.013039728626609 Longitude in decimal
gpsAccuracy 35.0 in metres
pressureCor * 1004.77 mean pressure of the last 20 values and filtered (see below)
pressureFilter * 1004,77 outliers of sequence values +- 0.2 hPa filtered out
pressureRaw * 1004.96 raw pressure values
height 50.0 in metres
Table 2: First recorded 10 minutes of every track

* pressure measured at device, not at mean sea level


Header Example Description
id 1 serial
time 11:23:47 hh:mm:ss
lat 50.95803040545434 Latitude in decimals
lon 7.013039728626609 Longitude in decimal
gpsAccuracy 35.0 in metres
pressureWApi * 1012,6 at sea level
pressureCor ** 1004.77 mean pressure of the last 20 values and filtered (see below)
pressureFilter **   outliers of sequence values +- 0.2 hPa filtered out
pressureRaw ** 1004.96 raw pressure values
height 50.0 in metres
heightCor* 51.9 in metres, corrected with reference values
Table 3: Tracks table. Experimental status with copyrighted data

* Makes sense only in Germany, see the station description. Copyrighted data by DWD.

** pressure measured at device, not at mean sea level


