All federal states of Germany are now processed.
In order to move forward, the voids have been filled with gdal_fillnodata.
In order to avoid nonsensical values at the borders, the data sets were clipped with the surface areas of Lower Saxony.
Further information on processing can be found here2.11.2024
Lower Saxony: Voids appear in the corners of the tiles. The problem is known and will be fixed. An exact date is not available.
Schleswig-Holstein: The availability of a mass download has been requested.
Voids appear in the corners of the tiles. The problem is known and will be fixed. An exact date is not available.
That's why Brandenburg and Berlin are next in line.
Take a look at the background information for the details.
Lower Saxony is the next federal state to be processed.
Take a look at the background information for the details.
North Rhine-Westphalia is the next federal state to be processed.
Take a look at the background information for the details.
Saarland is the next federal state to be processed.
Take a look at the background information for the details.
Rhineland-Palatinate is the next federal state to be processed.
Take a look at the background information for the details.
Baden-Wuerttemberg is the next federal state to be processed.
Because only a low-resolution DTM is available nationwide, a standardised nationwide DTM is now here in the making. The federal states are being processed step by step.
Already finished are Bavaria, Saxonia and Thuringia.
Take a look at the background information for the details.
The last two federal states are Bremen and Lower Saxony:
As part of the implementation of the EU Open Data Directive, geodata should be made available as "open data" in all federal states of Germany from mid-2024.
In order to become as independent as possible from backend components, modern techniques such as vector tiles were used.
More information and code can be found in this GitHub repositories: https://github.com/OpenDEM/OpenDEMsearcher https://github.com/OpenDEM/BathymetryViewer_COG.