The Download is powered by the GIScience Research Group of the University of Heidelberg
If you have any high precision XYZ data which could be licensed under a free license please donate it to the project.
The RMS error must be equal or smaller than 3 meters. The values should be comma separated (.csv) or in the case of a Raster in the Geo Tiled Image File Format (.tif).
The data should be supplied in the original reference system. Coordinate Transformations could be very tricky, but height value transformation is even much more complicated because it is not yet supported by free software packages. Therefore the dataset should be provided in the original reference system and the user could decide how to transform the data.
Free GIS software like Quantum GIS could easily import the data (delimited text file plugin), visualise and reproject it. Reprojections could be done with different free software packages like FWTools, GRASS and PostGIS. All the above mentioned software is based on the Proj4 library, a free Projection library. Please be aware that the result of a transformation could differ from other GIS software which is not based on Proj4, even with the same ESPGs!
The data could be visualised in 3D with the Virtual Terrain Software.
The data could be downloaded under the Open Database License.
It is essential that metadata is provided with information about the quality of the dataset (see template below).
Dataset Name |
Name of the dataset (Name of the region or place) |
Type | XYZ or Raster, terrain or surface |
xmin |
Xmin coordinate |
xmax |
Xmax coordinate |
ymin |
Ymin coordinate |
ymax |
Ymax coordinate |
ESPG code of the reference system |
Height Reference |
Reference system of the height values |
RMS error (vertical) |
Vertical RMS error |
RMS error (horizontal) |
Horizontal RMS error |
Remarks |
Additional remarks for the dataset |
Supplier |
Contact information of the supplier |
Dataset Name |
Type | xyz, terrain |
xmin |
2388687.00 |
xmax |
2406088.00 |
ymin |
4561964.00 |
ymax |
4572864.00 |
3004 |
Height Reference |
- |
RMS error (vertical) |
3.0 m |
RMS error (horizontal) |
3.0 m |
Remarks |
Suficent DTM |
Supplier |