$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 easing, OpenLayers.Tween
 edge, OpenLayers.Control.Split
 EditingToolbar, OpenLayers.Control.EditingToolbar.OpenLayers.Control
 Elements, OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements.OpenLayers.Renderer
 emptyString, OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition
 enableKinetic, OpenLayers.Control.DragPan
 error, OpenLayers.Console
 EventPane, OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane.OpenLayers.Layer
 Events, OpenLayers.Events.OpenLayers
 exists, OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer
 externalGraphic, OpenLayers.Symbolizer.Point
 externalProjection, OpenLayers.Format
 extractRoutes, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
 extractStyles, OpenLayers.Format.Text
 extractWaypoints, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
{<OpenLayers.Easing>(Function)} Easing equation used for the animation Defaultly set to OpenLayers.Easing.Expo.easeOut
{Boolean} Allow splits given intersection of edges only.
Create an editing toolbar for a given layer.
{String} Set this to some value to set when the mouse is outside the map.
{Boolean} Set this option to enable “kinetic dragging”.
{Boolean} Should the BBOX commas be encoded? 
{Boolean} Should the BBOX commas be encoded? 
equals: function(geometry)
Determine whether another geometry is equivalent to this one.
equals: function(geom)
Determine whether another geometry is equivalent to this one.
Determine whether one pixel is equivalent to another
Determine where this size is equal to another
error: function()
Writes a message to the console with the visual “error” icon and color coding and a hyperlink to the line where it was called.
{String} Which property of the returned object to check for in order to determine whether or not parsing has failed.
{String} Which property of the returned object to check for in order to determine whether or not parsing has failed.
evaluate: function(context)
Evaluates this filter in a specific context.
evaluate: function(context)
Evaluates this filter in a specific context.
evaluate: function(feature)
evaluates this rule for a specific feature
evaluate: function(context)
Evaluates this filter in a specific context.
evaluate: function(feature)
evaluates this rule for a specific feature
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types
{Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners object will be registered with OpenLayers.Events.on.
{Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners object will be registered with OpenLayers.Events.on.
{Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners object will be registered with OpenLayers.Events.on.
Create a new event pane layer
{OpenLayers.Events} Events instance for listeners and triggering control specific events.
{OpenLayers.Events} An events object that handles all events on the map
{OpenLayers.Events} An events object that handles all events on the {OpenLayers.Request} object.
{OpenLayers.Events} An events object that handles all events on the tile.
Construct an OpenLayers.Events object.
exists: function(node)
node- {DOMElement} The node to test for existence.
Copy all properties of a source object to a destination object.
Extend the bounds to include the point, lonlat, or bounds specified.
{String} Url to an external graphic that will be used for rendering points.
{OpenLayers.Projection} When passed a externalProjection and internalProjection, the format will reproject the geometries it reads or writes.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from GML.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from GML.
{Boolean} Extract feature attributes from GPX.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from KML.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from GML.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from GML.
{Boolean} Should the WFS layer parse attributes from the retrieved GML? 
{Boolean} Extract routes from GPX.
set to true to extract styles from the TSV files, using information from the image or icon, iconSize and iconOffset fields.
{Boolean} Extract tracks from GPX.
{Boolean} Extract gx:Track elements from Placemark elements.
{Boolean} Extract waypoints from GPX.