
Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Post are used to retrieve data from OGC Web Mapping Services via HTTP-POST (application/x-www-form-urlencoded).  Create a new WMS layer with the OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Post constructor.

Deprecated.  Instead of this layer, use OpenLayers.Layer.WMS with OpenLayers.Tile.Image.maxGetUrlLength configured in the layer’s <OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.tileOptions>.

Inherits from

OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.PostInstances of OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Post are used to retrieve data from OGC Web Mapping Services via HTTP-POST (application/x-www-form-urlencoded).
unsupportedBrowsers{Array} Array with browsers, which should use the HTTP-GET protocol instead of HTTP-POST for fetching tiles from a WMS .
OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.PostCreates a new WMS layer object.



{Array} Array with browsers, which should use the HTTP-GET protocol instead of HTTP-POST for fetching tiles from a WMS . Defaults to [“mozilla”, “firefox”, “opera”], because Opera is not able to show transparent images in IFrames and Firefox/Mozilla has some ugly effects of viewport-shaking when panning the map.  Both browsers, Opera and Firefox/Mozilla, have no problem with long urls, which is the reason for using POST instead of GET.  The strings to pass to this array are the ones returned by <OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME>.



Creates a new WMS layer object.


var wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Post(
 "NASA Global Mosaic",
 {layers: "modis, global_mosaic"});


name{String} A name for the layer
url{String} Base url for the WMS (e.g.
params{Object} An object with key/value pairs representing the GetMap query string parameters and parameter values.
options{Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer.
Creates a new WMS layer object.
Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.WMS are used to display data from OGC Web Mapping Services.
{Number} If set, requests that would result in GET urls with more characters than the number provided will be made using form-encoded HTTP POST.