
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: parse error - invalid geometry Hinweis: "POLYGON((-1051773.5090576))" <-- parse error at position 28 within geometry Wobei: SQL function "st_polyfromtext" statement 1 SQL function "st_polygonfromtext" statement 1 JSP Page

OpenDEM: Global ready to use contour dataset in shape format

Data Sources:

SRTM: Coverage of the World from North 60° - South 58°

Viewfinders Panoramas: Enhanced datasets for mountain areas on base of public domain datasets (look at the website of this great project for all the data sources).

Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project: Antarctica

Geobase Canada: Northern Canada (> 60° N)

NED USGD, for Alaska: Alaska

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License: Open Database License (OdBL)

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